Computer Usage Policy

• The computers are situated and arranged in line with current government guidance on social distancing: please respect this by not moving furniture or equipment.
• Space has been allocated for one person per computer.  If you need someone to attend with you, such as a support worker or a child, please state that at the time of booking so we can ensure you have adequate space.
• The Library’s computers are NOT to be used a] for inappropriate access to the internet [eg. pornography], b] to access or alter the computer’s operating system or settings, c] to try to add or change or delete any programmes or apps existing on the Library’s computers.
• Depending on what help is required, Library staff may be unable to give advice on the use of the apps and programmes available on the Library’s computers.
• You may print output you have produced using the Library’s computers at the charge set out for Photocopying on the Internet Access page of the Library’s website.

                                                   ** AGM  Saturday 15th March at 3.00pm**