
Join us...

To apply for membership, simply fill in the form below and then collect your membership card at the library. Alternatively, you can apply in person at Reception.

To ensure the library remains financially secure in the future we need to charge a small annual membership. We will endeavour to keep the fee as low as possible and there will be no fee for 17 year olds and under.

All paid-up members will be invited to the Community Library and Hub Annual General Meeting, which is usually held in March.

Paid-up Premium Members are allowed to borrow a maximum of 10 books at any one time, otherwise only two books may be borrowed.

The fee is currently £5 and can be paid now.

Those wishing to obtain lifetime membership can do so for £50.

Ways to pay: Cash, Credit/Debit Card or cheque at reception.  Cheque made out to Elson Community Library and Hub. Please ensure a receipt is obtained on payment.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Date of Birth:  
I hereby grant permission for
Elson Community Library and Hub
to store my details as set out
in their Privacy Policy. *

                                                   ** AGM  Saturday 15th March at 3.00pm**