Computer Usage Policy

• The computers are situated and arranged in line with current government guidance on social distancing: please respect this by not moving furniture or equipment. • Space has been allocated for one person per computer.  If you need someone to attend with you, such as a support worker or a child, please state that at […]

Community Hub

Check out what's going on...

Elson Community Library & Hub work with other organisations to provide the best for our community. Tea room Come and visit our comfortable and affordable tea room. Meet friends or just sit with a book and relax. All hot drinks are £1.00, biscuits and cakes also available. We are open every day . Current groups […]


The core purpose of any library is the lending of books and other media. Guess what? We do that!

Pretty fundamental, for a library… Search our book stock at Book Search.  If you are a Member of Elson Library you can reserve your chosen book and then collect it. Paid-up Members may borrow a maximum of 10 books at any one time, otherwise only two books may be borrowed. Opening Hours 2023: Monday – […]

Internet Access

Public WiFi
  • The Library offers free WiFi to all Elson Library membership card holders and to members of the public. Please ask at the desk for the password.

Public Computers
  • We have several personal computers in the Library for use. Please ask at the desk to be allocated computer time. Please acquaint yourself with our Computer Usage Policy.

  • A photocopier is available for the use of Elson Library membership card holders and the general public. There will be a charge of 10p per A4 page for black and white copies and 50p per page for colour.

                                                   ** AGM  Saturday 15th March at 3.00pm**