This is Jenny’s test page. It is invisible [because it’s not listed in the pages Menu or linked to any of the pages or sub-pages of the pages Menu] to anyone who is not a registered user of the site with the ability of amending or adding the site’s contents. This page was set up in order to allow Jenny to practice in the space immediately below the use of WordPress.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What days are you available?
What type(s) of role would you prefer? Pick all that apply
Are you happy to be DBS checked if necessary? This should be free
Are you in agreement that your contact details are held by the Volunteer Co-ordinator?
Are you happy to have an informal chat with the Volunteer Co-ordinator?
Are you happy to complete any training required, such as Health & Safety?
I hereby grant permission for Elson Community Library and Hub to store my details as set out in their Privacy Policy.

Regular Groups:

Tambourine Tots, Pre school music group £1 per family Thursday 1pm to 2.30pm.

Al Warner’s Art , booking required. Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 10am

                                                   ** AGM  Saturday 15th March at 3.00pm**