Community Hub
Check out what's going on...

Elson Community Library & Hub work with other organisations to provide the best for our community.
Tea room
Come and visit our comfortable and affordable tea room. Meet friends or just sit with a book and relax. All hot drinks are £1.00, biscuits and cakes also available. We are open every day
Current groups running at the Hub include:
For adults
Pilates: Monday 5.45 – 6.45pm. Booking required
Senior Moments Coffee Morning: Tuesdays 10.00 – 11.00am. Come along for a cuppa & chat.
Al’s Art Group: Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00pm. Booking required
Citizens Advice outreach: Wednesday afternoons 1.oopm – 1.30pm. By appointment only and you can come in or phone to make an appointment.
Al’s Art Group: Thursday 10.00 – 12.00pm. Booking required
Pilates: Thursday 6.30 – 7.30pm. Booking required
Needles & Pins: Friday 10.00 – 12.00pm. All welcome, small fee.
Elson Warblers: Friday 1.30 – 3pm. New members welcome
For adults monthly
Card Making: Thursday 10.00 – 11.30 – 4th Thursday of the month. All welcome – small fee
Hookers & clickers: Saturday 11 – 1.00pm Making for charity (check with reception to confirm dates)
For children
Tambourine Tots: Thursday 1 to 2.30pm.a pre-school music group There is a small charge of £1.00 per family. Booking for attendance is not required.
We also have other special events coming up so please be sure to keep an eye on our website & Facebook!
If your group is interested please contact us for an informal chat and view what Elson Community Library and Hub has to offer. We can do so much more together.